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Global Database of +3.5M companies (+China).
AI compiles Startup long-list and rankings.
Topic experts enrich & select Startup short-list.
Startups enrich profile (Sales documents, pricing, reference customers, etc).
Expert presents results & connects you to Startups of interest.
Startup scouting is beneficial when your company is looking to identify and collaborate with innovative startups to enhance business operations, drive growth, or stay ahead of industry trends.
GlassDollar offers startup sourcing mainly for Corporations and their innovation teams looking to integrate new technologies for innovation and strategic benefit, through Venture Clienting. Although, GlassDollar's startup sourcing can have different applications for a variety of other stakeholders, such as:
- Investors seeking promising startups for investment opportunities.
- Incubators and accelerators aiming to scout potential candidates for their programs.
- Research and development teams searching for cutting-edge solutions.
- Industry leaders wanting to stay ahead of market trends.
The duration of a scouting request with GlassDollar typically depends on the scope and complexity of the requirements. A request is processed and delivered between 5 days to 10 days, depending on the speed chosen by the customer.
GlassDollar uses its proprietary data engine and startup database to conduct its startup sourcing requests. In addition to that, we utilize 3rd party data and databases to ensure completeness and robustness of all delivered results.
GlassDollar’s startup database is extensive, with over 3.5 million startups listed. This vast database enables comprehensive and targeted searches to find the best startups that match your specific criteria and business needs.