
The Impact of
Venture Clienting

Top 50
Most active Startup Partners
Expert Opinions &
Corporations analyzed qualitatively
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The First Quantitative Study on Corporate-Startup Partnering

Prof. Dietmar Harhoff Ph.D
"This is the first time we can take a comprehensive view of collaborations between European Startups and established companies."
Prof. Dietmar Harhoff Ph.D, Managing Director, Max-Planck-Institute for Innovation und Competition

Qualified by Industry Experts

GlassDollar Team
For Startups, the investor is not the differentiating factor between success and failure - the early customer is.
Fabian Dudek, CEO @ GlassDollar
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Access the Impact of Venture Clienting Volume I study now

With millions of new Startup products out there, how do Corporations know which ones they need? The answer lies in a structured approach of sourcing and testing.

The Impact of Venture Clienting Volume I study sheds light on the status quo and best practices Corporations employ when working with Startups, by adding the missing quantification of the phenomenon at scale. We hope this inspires further academic research and economic policy.
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Your expert to contact

Guilherme Gonçalves, Venture Consultant
Hi I'm Guilherme,

I am a Venture Clienting Expert at GlassDollar and in charge of overlooking the Impact of Venture Clienting Report.

Are you in Academia? Contact me to access the data set.

Are you in a Corporation? Happy to share where you rank and which startup relationships we found for you.

Are you an Expert in Venture Clienting? Contribute to future editions of the Impact of Venture Clienting.

Let's talk,

Guilherme Gonçalves, Venture Consultant

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